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President’s Update – 14th December 2021

Presidents Update 14th December, 2021 Dear Trainees and Trainers, As we approach the halfway mark for the academic year, I would like to provide an update of the activities of the ISTG committee to date and outline our plans for the year ahead. Our annual Careers Day and Aspiring Surgeon Research Symposium took place virtually

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Presidents Update

Dear Trainees and Trainers, As the academic and training years ends, I would like to reflect on the events of the past year and welcome the incoming ISTG president, Michael Flanagan, who is heading up the committee for 2021/2022. In a year that could have been difficult for a society whose outward facing business is

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President update

As this training year draws to a close, I would like to reflect on the events over the past year and also welcome the incoming ISTG President, David Brinkman, who will be leading the 2020/2021 committee.